by vlad the impaler » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:19 pm
So last night was a big night for Detroit on the stage of national television. First up was CNN, on a program called "This is Life" with Lisa Ling. One full hour was spent chronicling the Satanic Temple, and how a group of societal misfits have found a home in our vacuum of abandonment after being chased out of every big city east of the Mississippi. It started with a visit to the dark bedroom of one of the members, donning an Adolph Hitler haircut, and his display of religious statues like the Virgin Mary. "Sometimes I like to cover her face with blood", he said, as red syrup from a spray bottle dripped off. Countless Catholics worldwide no doubt quickly turned the channel in disgust.
The group portrayed themselves as guardians of knowledge and freedom who have become integral partners in the re-building of Detroit. The story took a bizarre turn with a segment about how suburban Detroit 'crisis pregnancy centers' tell pregnant women that abortions cause breast cancer, and it's the job of the Satanic Temple to make sure women with unwanted babies in their wombs know these clinics are fronts for pro-lifers. Predictably, they also had to show indignant intolerants behind bullhorns decrying any belief other than their chosen denomination, giving the devil worshippers ample ammo of persecution. Then the goat statue got unveiled in an abandoned warehouse amidst a bacchanal of adoring tattooed she-devils and random freakazoids, showing the world that a Detroit party don't stop because a Detroit party never stops. All in all, it wasn't a moment of pride for the city, at least in my opinion.
The next show was "Bar Rescue" on SpikeTV, where bar rescuer John Taffer took on Chix on Dix, his first strip club ever. One of his consultants, the head of exotic entertainment at Sapphire Lounge in Las Vegas, commented how she found the name offensive (Chicks on Dicks?), something I had never thought of despite having driven by the place 10,000 times. Sometimes it's funny to hear stranger's perceptions of our cultural landmarks, isn't it?
The show was typical to the script, in that Taffer runs in and tells everyone how they suck at their jobs and finds the kitchen full of muddy grease and dead mice. Then they train the staff on how to make fancy drinks and cook good bar vittles. The 'entertainment talent' was a central feature of this episode, everything from drunk stripers stumbling about to dancers with bad attitudes. Whenever one poor dancer smiled or spoke, it was obvious that she was missing half of her teeth, not every other tooth but on one side of her mouth- like Rhonda Rousey after that kick to the head a couple weeks ago, if not for the oral surgery. The other dancers? Well, let's just say they did not accurately depict the top tier quality of metro-Detroit strippers in general- no surprise to anyone who's been to the Hustler Club or the Landing Strip- but for the uninformed, they represented the city's exotic entertainment talent on an international scale.
Can we all agree that despite the current renaissance of the city, and despite the occasional glimpses that display our better attributes such as the Ransom Gillis house on House Rehab, that the media still comes here when they want to show the sordid and the obscene? Just saying.
Cross to Detroit Rises!, HFD Gross, and HFD Embarassments.