gnome wrote:It is a fundamental right, if not an obligation, to pee wherever and when ever the need arises. The one exception would be while driving. it is not advised to hang one's member in the wind while driving.
The two rules in peeing willy-nilly is that (1) it must be against something. A pole, a building, the gas tank of a sworn frenemy ... and (2) you must not have to deal with the odorous effects; hence, said random place can't be in the corner of your bedroom or dining room.
Exceptions do occur, for example, sending a load of furniture to your soon-to-be ex-wife. In that exception some planning is involved: to wit, the buying and eating of asparagus by the bushel will lend your essence a certain piquant quality. Wash the asparagus down with a gallon or two of dark stout beer. This combo will get one in the required, fuck-it, mindset to liberally douse your soon-to-be former couch cushions with an urgent telling of your true feelings.
hey gnome,
you sound like a very large douchebag.
no wonder your soon to be ex wife is leaving you for something the way, something better than you is like being valedictorian in summer school. Go back to the circle jerk they call Dyes, and get out of here.
btw, someone who types "to wit" = asshole