gullycanyon wrote:Mad Max wrote:Bin Laden family condemns killing, while wife says one son escaped
And they objected to the decision to bury their father at sea, which some Islamic scholars also have questioned. "It is unacceptable--humanely and religiously--to dispose of a person with such importance and status among his people, by throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims," the statement read.
It annoys me when someone tries to pander to both sides like this.
Yeah, I know what you mean; me, too.
So, perhaps your ass, as well as mine, is frosted by hearing our government officials following up a statement which was, basically, an admission of "We stormed his house in a sovereign nation, charged into his room and blew his head half off, and then rolled his dead ass off the side of a ship and into the sea" with "We won't show any proof-bearing photos because we don't want to run the risk of inflaming Anti-American tensions in the Muslim world."
Considering how badly we were fucked up on 9/11 we might have started turning big patches of the Middle East into glass-lined craters. It's kind of a stretch to maintain that the decade of occupation and hijinks in Iraq & Afghanistan represent a restrained response, but I still read them as such, especially in light of the likely response of any other country of means experiencing an attack from an international actor. So, playing both sides in the case of our recent sensitivity isn't without precedent. Having said that, I'd like to see the pix, or rather see them splashed onto the web and on the air. And follow with a warning from the commander in chief to the effect of "...and we will fuck you up and then salt your fields if any of you out there pull this terrorism shit again."
And for what it's worth, the official version of the raid into Pakistan describes an operation that violates international law on a couple of key points. That being said, I don't give a shit, principally because I'm 100% certain that powerful elements within Pakistan military have been jerking us off from the very beginning of this mess.