HFD Stupid Family Members

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Re: HFD Stupid Family Members

Postby Morty » Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:30 pm

The Beav wrote:My brother does not have the address for his oldest son so I can send my nephew a birthday card. They both live in Rochester, and my nephew lives in his mom's (my brother's ex-wife) old apartment.

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Re: HFD Stupid Family Members

Postby Mad Max » Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:25 pm

D-Day wrote:My sister tried to bait me into a political argument on FB, and when I wouldn't bite decided that by calling me a flaming idiot and a coward for everyone to see, it would impress her friends. Two days later she then called me to ask if it would be alright if my mom could come down here so she and her husband could go to DC for three weeks next month. It's not that I don't want my mom to come stay, I don't have the space right now with the MT, GD, Concubine, my niece, Mr's D-Day, and myself there. Apparently unless someone takes my mom for the duration, they can't go.

She was given a quick block of instruction on the meaning of Golf Foxtrot Yankee then told we can't because we don't have the room........I am expecting the next step, hysterics, In the next couple days

I know this sounds trivial but take my word for it; this is but the tip of the iceberg with her.......kind of the proverbial straw, if you will

Haven't heard any updates about them in a while. Is MT tall enough yet to stab you in your sleep?
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Re: HFD Stupid Family Members

Postby D-Day » Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:35 pm

Mad Max wrote:
D-Day wrote:My sister tried to bait me into a political argument on FB, and when I wouldn't bite decided that by calling me a flaming idiot and a coward for everyone to see, it would impress her friends. Two days later she then called me to ask if it would be alright if my mom could come down here so she and her husband could go to DC for three weeks next month. It's not that I don't want my mom to come stay, I don't have the space right now with the MT, GD, Concubine, my niece, Mr's D-Day, and myself there. Apparently unless someone takes my mom for the duration, they can't go.

She was given a quick block of instruction on the meaning of Golf Foxtrot Yankee then told we can't because we don't have the room........I am expecting the next step, hysterics, In the next couple days

I know this sounds trivial but take my word for it; this is but the tip of the iceberg with her.......kind of the proverbial straw, if you will

Haven't heard any updates about them in a while. Is MT tall enough yet to stab you in your sleep?

Not yet, but he's actually coming around nicely. His mom, on the other hand, is a little bit more of a project. I'll get around to the deprogramming thread and post an update tonight. There's a lot to cover.........
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Re: HFD Stupid Family Members

Postby Sterile Whites 48313 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:42 pm

Bear with me...

So on occasion I watch Wild West Alaska on Animal Planet (I'm a gun guy, what can I say). So they are trying to hire someone to work the counter and going through the resumes they received. A little fact balloon pops up about prospective employers Googling your name. Since i am in line for possible new employment, I thought it might not be a bad idea. I'm fine, nothing that could possibly squirrel my chances...BUT, on page 10 of the search, I find a PDF link to "Current Oakland County Jail Inmates" which was updated today. Seems my asshat younger brother has been a guest since Monday, with no bond. So he spends his 47th...47th birthday mainstreamed at OCJ...it was at that moment I quietly thanked my dearly departed parents for putting a foot in my ass much more than they ever did his.
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