Tiger Stadium Demolition

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Postby Trams » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:23 pm

davecat wrote:Did you see Trams when you were there?

Here I was demonstrating to the Detnews crew how I used to peek in on Gibby and Rozey's wives in the VIP room. Good times.

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Postby Andy » Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:50 am












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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Andy » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:50 am










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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby hoog » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:58 am

Hmmmm....doesn't really look any different than your June 27 post. Glad they were in such a red hot hurry to knock it down.
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Andy » Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:04 pm

hoog wrote:Hmmmm....doesn't really look any different than your June 27 post. Glad they were in such a red hot hurry to knock it down.

Yeah, very strange. I was going every two days because of so much "progress" but after the upper deck fell it's like everyone is working at American Axle employee speed now.
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby middle aged female » Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:18 pm

Are they saving the piles of 'scrap' for Django to pick up?

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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Andy » Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:18 am

Why is this taking so long?


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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby The Suburban Avenger » Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:59 am

Indeed. Seems like it's been like that for about three months now.
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Doctor Detroit » Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:26 pm

The sheer pointless lunacy of it all. Why not just print "FUCK YOU" on an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper and mail it to every member of the conservancy.
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Amadeus » Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:37 pm

The elevator tower does resemble a middle finger now that you mention it...

Maybe the demo crew got called over to the Fine Arts?
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby The Beav » Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:47 am

That's the section that will be the museum, right?
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Andy » Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:06 am

Who'd a thought this would take all summer?



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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Shark » Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:50 am

Ever since the cement silo idea fell thru, that elevator tower is the last hope we have for the record of "World's Tallest Condo Conversion".
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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby middle aged female » Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:53 am

Shark wrote:Ever since the cement silo idea fell thru, that elevator tower is the last hope we have for the record of "World's Tallest Condo Conversion".

Or an observation deck for Corktown. You could gauge the traffic at Slow's from there.

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Re: Tiger Stadium Demolition

Postby Andy » Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:27 am

You wouldn't want Ty Cobb to see the stadium now.

Old Glory still flies in Tiger Stadium's center field, surrounded by foothills of concrete and twisted steel, shards of scrunched up plastic.

The half-gutted carcass of an elevator shaft looms high over the rubble, bearing witness to incomplete destruction, bureaucratic folly, bad timing and the near-total failure of love to fix any of it.

All work stopped weeks ago, without public explanation, amid territorial negotiations between state and city officials over the final tear-down.

"Doesn't it just look like s***?" says Joe Stefanski, inelegantly but to the point. He had a ticket to Monday's Tigers game and tailgated first in the parking lot behind Nemo's. From there, he and friends had a view of The Corner -- a view that once inspired awe and reverence but now evokes horror, sadness and a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach.

"Depressing," says Tigers fan Dan Fay of Royal Oak, wearing his ball cap.

"It's an eyesore," says Wayne Williams, who guards the parking lot and, at night, what's left of the stadium.

By comparison, the Michigan Central Depot, now an international monument to urban neglect, looks tidy.

This demolition that should have taken three months, or four, is now into its 14th stop-and-start month. It's currently on hold.

"It looks worse now than when it was vacant and standing in one piece," says Brent Harbaugh, a tailgater Monday, whose shaded view through dark sunglasses didn't lessen his sadness.

Lay blame wherever. On the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation for insisting on tearing it down. On the dedicated fans and interests who filed suit, successfully for a while, to halt demolition. Blame Ernie Harwell, whose own legend equals the stadium's, and whose support for preservation kept hope alive.

But that controversy is over. What remains is the wrecking-ball business of knocking the stadium down and clearing the site.

So what's the holdup?

That last hideous, half-devoured tower is perilously close to Michigan Avenue. Permission was required from the state to partially close the street, which is a federal highway. There were issues about barrel alignment and liability.

"We have the permit now," says George W. Jackson Jr., the stadium-weary development chief. Had the stadium been torn down 14 months ago, as planned, the demolition company would have paid the city for the privilege of reusing the bricks, the concrete and steel that once held the stadium together. Instead, the high prices of steel and concrete collapsed late last summer, and the city's now coughing up $400,000 to complete the job.

The road closure permit was another -- maybe final? -- setback.

"It was back and forth for a couple of weeks," says Robert Morosi, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Transportation.

But the permit was issued Thursday, and the contract calls for the demolition to be complete by Oct. 1.

"The rubble is going," promises Jackson. "We aren't going to leave it like that."

"Please don't," would be the response from the pregame crowd at Nemo's. Nobody treats their loved ones like that.

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