Download the whole thing here:
Hat tip to davecat for the donation.
Andy wrote:
Two not-obvious bits of irony in this shot: the crane in the center is from the demolition of the derelict (People's Outfitter?) across the street from Lafayette Coney, and the more empty-than-full Buhl and Gas Buildings are almost blotted out, thereby hiding the fact that they're mostly dark once the sun goes down. Goddman: how far this town has fallen...
frank - up in grand blanc wrote:Andy wrote:
Two not-obvious bits of irony in this shot: the crane in the center is from the demolition of the derelict (People's Outfitter?) across the street from Lafayette Coney, and the more empty-than-full Buhl and Gas Buildings are almost blotted out, thereby hiding the fact that they're mostly dark once the sun goes down. Goddman: how far this town has fallen...
Andy wrote:
And what about the lights in the Vinton Building? They don't look real from this angle.
frank - up in grand blanc wrote:Andy wrote:
And what about the lights in the Vinton Building? They don't look real from this angle.
Good call. I wasn't stalking the Vinton, but I don't believe that the pattern of lit windows was (shot had to have been taken February '07 or so) was possible. Then, the floors were completely open, so one lit window per floor says "Photoshop." I had been thinking that the BC lights were fake, but then that bastard was lit up pretty good at that time.
Username: Leoqueen
Posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 5:51 pm:
My sister called me last night to warn me that this document was delivered to her home on the northwest side, and that mine would probably be delivered soon. I got it in the mail, and it made me want to puke. I live just outside of Lafayette Park, so I benefit from the development going on downtown, but my sister lives on St.Marys at Six Mile, and you sure dont see any 'glitz and glamor' over there! Detroit THEN and Detroit NOW....I would like to see some pictures of the Detroit NOW that most of the citizens have to put up with. They sure arent in this expensive piece of trash. Coincidentally, I also recieved two copies of his Mom's campaign flyer. All of these documents are now residing very comfortably in the dumpster.
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